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T.R.I. Co., Ltd.

We, T.R.I. Co., Ltd, are selling products and also support sales activities. We will bond those companies strongly to make both activities are profitable. This is our basic idea to make business and this idea is based on our original business.

 Our company was established for importing lumber produced abroad. Wood products are very important resources which are raised up by long term dedication of many people.

We strive to delivery of those products to customers with consideration for safety, quality and environment.

Company profile

Company : T.R.I. Co., Ltd.

Representative : Directing Manager Masanori Kitahara

Address : 2222-1 Nagasaka Kamijo, Nagasaka-cho,

               Hokuto-shi, Yamanashi-ken, 408-00021,


Established : 1995 May 23rd. 

Contact : 

TEL : +81(0)551-32-7417


Our aims

I, myself, had experienced working abroad and noticed there is a lot of companies who have excellent techniques and products in Japan. We would like to introduce those companies to end users in the world and to be happy for makers, buyers, end users and ourselves.

T.R.I. Co., Ltd.
TEL 0551-32-7417
FAX 0551-32-2388

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